Helping the baby survive


In this article, we are updating the project Helping Babies to Breath, published in 2014. First of all, according to the prior authorization from The National Coordination Program, we have changed the last title for Helping Babies to Survive. Continuing with our strategies to improve the babies quality of life and survival, all the medical staff involved in birth attendance must enhance babies care and assistance. Essentially we need that the Medicine and Nursing students change the strategies on how to help new born babies in case of asphyxia. Using this method they will improve the babies´ brain oxygenation so babies will have a better future life quality and above all, avoinding mortality. It is required the training of medical staff with easy simple tech- niques and a minumum equipment to ventilate new born ba- bies successfully. That has been based on the experience and successful results from the procedure called "The Golden Minute" for the past six years.

To supplement the babies caring techniques, we have included the essential care for both, the new born babies and their mo- thers, for the first 24 hours.
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Manual del Programa Ayudando a los Bebés a Respirar (Helping Babies Breathe), Ayudando a Sobrevivir al Bebé (Helping Newborn Babies to Survive). American Academy of Pediatrics. Editor: Susan Niermeyer, MD, MPH, FAAP. y Cols. University of Colorado Denver Aurora, CO. 2017.

Fuentes Fuentes G, Murguía de Sierra T. Reanimación Neonatal ¿Qué hay de nuevo? Bol. Med. Hosp. Inf. Mex. 2006;63(6):418-427

Rodríguez I, Barbonot D, Silvera F, Moraes M. Guías sobre reanimación neonatal. Arch. Pediatría. Urug.2008;79(2):161-167

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