Introduction: Cervical cancer (CaCu) ranks fourth in incidence (6.6%) mortality (7.5%) of global cancer diagnoses. Cervical cytology screening has been of great benefit in the timely detection of low-grade premalignant or malignant lesions. However, there are several impediments for women to get tested for the Pap smear. Objectives: To identify the factors by which students of the Medical Surgeon's Degree (LMC) at the University of Veracruzana Campus Xalapa, do not go to the taking of cervical cytology (CC). Material and methods: It is descriptive research, of a quantitative nature. The data collection was carried out in students of different semesters of female sex belonging to the LMC of Health Sciences Unit of the Universidad Veracruzana, Xalapa Campus, in the city of Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico. The total population of students at the faculty is 787 and of these, 380 are women of whom 69 participated. Results: Only 51% of the students surveyed had been cc; 33%, 2 times 6%, 3 times 6%, 5 and 6 times 3% each. On the factors of why 49% of students investigated were not tested: lack of information 3%, economic reasons 5%, due to discomfort 5%, lack of time 16%, did not give importance 14%, their doctor did not request it, I have good health 18%. Conclusions: The study population is not tested for cervical cytology in a timely manner in accordance with recommendations based on NOM 014, Guidelines of Clinical Practice, and the American Cancer Association.
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