Introduction: The application of bioethical principles in nursing profes- sionals is essential when providing quality nursing care. Objective: To design and validate a questionnaire about the application of the bioethical principles in hospital nursing staff. Methods: A two-fold study. First, questions were designed regarding the bioethical principles of autonomy, beneficence and justice. These were subjected to: content validity with an expert panel. Secondly, a construct validity was performed through the statistical analysis of the difficulty, discrimination, variability and validity index, in a sample of 214 hospital nurses. Results: Fifty-three items were design and the expert panel considered 42 items as adequate. In the construct validity, the coefficient (.74) and reliabili- ty Cronbach’s Alpha (.80) were also considered adequate. Conclusions: We offer a reliable and short survey to identify the application of the bioethical principals in hospital nursing staff to ensure quality care for hospitalized patients.
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